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Project Articles

- Mirisola, A., Travaglino, G. A., Giammusso, I. (in press). National identification weakens, and territorial identification strengthens, the relationship between masculine honor values and the justification of practices of connivance with the mafia. Political Psychology.
- Travaglino, G., Mirisola, A., Moon, C., Burgmer, P., Imada, H., Giammusso, I., D'Ottone, S., Nawata, K., Ozeki, M., & Abrams, D. (in press). The Psychology of Criminal Authority: Introducing the Legitimacy of Secret Power Scale. Group Processes and Intergroup Relations.
- Moon, C, & Travaglino, G. A. (2024). The association between perceived injustice and political trust: Testing a dual-pathway model through anger and patriotism across four countries. Political Psychology.
- Travaglino, G. A., Friehs, M., Kotzur, P. F., & Abrams, D. (2024). Honor Values as Identity Content: Evidence from a Three-Wave Longitudinal Study. Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology.
- Andrighetto, G., Szekely, A., Guido, A., Gelfand, M., Abernathy, J., Arikan, G., Aycan, Z., Bankar, S., Barrera, D., Basnight-Brown, D., Belaus, A., Berezina, E., Blumen, S., Boski, P., Bui, H. T. T., Cárdenas, J. C., Čekrlija, Đ., De Barra, M., De Zoysa, P., ... Travaglino, G. A., … Eriksson, K. (2024). Changes in social norms during the early stages of the COVID-19 pandemic across 43 countries. Nature Communications, 15(1), 1436.
- Travaglino, G. A., Burgmer, P., & Mirisola, A. (2023). Alternative Systems: The Interplay Between Criminal Groups’ Influence and Political Trust on Civic Honesty in the Global Context. Social Psychological and Personality Science.
- Travaglino, G. A., Levine, J. M., Ćepulić, D.-B., & Li, Z. (2023). Secret disclosure and social relationships in groups. Group Processes & Intergroup Relations.
- Travaglino, G. A., Friehs, M. T., Kotzur, P. F., & Abrams, D. (2023). Investigating the social embeddedness of criminal groups: Longitudinal associations between masculine honour and legitimizing attitudes towards the Camorra. European Journal of Social Psychology, 53(4), 612-622.
- Travaglino, G. A., d’Aniello, C., Pacilli, M. G., & Poppi, F. I. M. (2023). Naming the threat: Lay prototypes of organized crime in Italy and the US. Psychology, Crime & Law, 1–24.

Other Relevant Readings

- Heering, M.S., Travaglino, G. A., Abrams, D., & Goldsack, E. (2020). ‘If they don’t listen to us, they deserve it’: The effect of external efficacy and anger on the perceived legitimacy of hacking. Group Processes and Intergroup Relations, 23, 863-881.
- Drury, L., & Travaglino, G. A. (2020). Demobilising by legitimising: Masculine honour, positive and negative contact, and social activism against criminal organisations. Group Processes & Intergroup Relations, 23(3), 402–417.
- Travaglino, G. A. & Abrams, D. (2019). How criminal organisations exert secret power over communities: An intracultural appropriation theory of cultural values and norms. European Review of Social Psychology, 30, 74-122.
- Travaglino, G. A. & Drury, L. (2019). Connected guys: Endorsement of masculine honour predicts more frequent contact with members of criminal organisations. European Journal of Social Psychology, 49, 157-168.
- Travaglino, G. A. (2017). Support for Anonymous as vicarious dissent: Testing the social banditry framework. Group Processes & Intergroup Relations.
- Travaglino, G. A., Abrams, D., & Russo, G. (2017). Dual routes from social identity to collective opposition against criminal organisations: Intracultural appropriation theory and the roles of honour codes and social change beliefs. Group Processes and Intergroup Relations.
- Travaglino, G. A., Abrams, D., Randsley de Moura, G., & Russo, G. (2015). That is how we do it around here: Levels of identification, masculine honor, and social activism against organized crime in the south of Italy. European Journal of Social Psychology.
- Travaglino, G. A., Abrams, D., & Randsley de Moura, G. (2014). Men of honor don’t talk: The relationship between masculine honor and social activism against criminal organizations in Italy. Political Psychology.

Invited Talks and Conference Presentations

- Giammusso, I., Travaglino, G. A., Mirisola, A. (September/2024) Differenze Individuali e Legittimazione dell’Autorità Illegale: il Ruolo dell’Identità e dei Valori Culturali nella Governance Criminale. AIP Sperimentale, 30° Congresso Annuale, Noto, Italy.
- Giammusso, I., Mirisola, A., Cavalieri, V., Lo Schiavo, C. Gennaci, E., Franzè, G., Inzerillo, M., Travaglino, G. A. (September/2024). La percezione della mafia come protettrice della comunità: conseguenze psico-sociali. XVIII Congresso Nazionale della Sezione di Psicologia Sociale, AIP, University of Turin, Italy.
- Travaglino, G. A. (July/2024). The legitimization of Secret Power: Validating a new scale for assessing the endorsement of illegal power dynamics. ISPP Annual Convention, Santiago, Chile.
- Travaglino, G. A. (May/2024). Organised crime and the psychology of criminal governance. Invited featured speaker at the American Psychological Science’s Annual Convention, San Francisco.
- Travaglino, G. A. (May/2024). The psychology of criminal governance: dynamics of intracultural appropriation and community responses to organized criminal groups. Mafias in the Mind, the Body and the Brain (Event organised by Prof. S. M. Aglioti, University of Rome, La Sapienza – Gerace, Calabria).
- Travaglino, G. A. (April/2024). The social psychology of civic honesty: The role of trust and the moderating effect of crime prevalence. Southwest Jiaotong University, China.
- Travaglino, G. A., Mirisola, A., Giammusso, I. (February/2024). Masculine Honor and Identities in Communities' Relations with Illegal Authorities. SPSP Annual Convention, San Diego
- Travaglino, G. A. (December/2023). How organized criminal groups impact societies: Secret power, illegal governance and civic relationships. Keynote Address at the 4th International Scientific Conference of the Psychology Department at the Catholic University of Croatia, “Changing Life Circumstances – Opportunity for Individual and Community Growth”.
- Travaglino, G. A., Burgmer, P., & Mirisola, A. (July/2023). Cross-country Differences in the Impact of Organized Criminal Groups Moderate the Relationship between Individuals’ Political Trust and the Endorsement of Standards of Civic Honesty. International Society for Justice Research’s General Meeting, Munich, Germany
- Travaglino, G. A., Burgmer, P., & Mirisola, A. (July/2023). How Criminal Groups Influence the Link between Political Trust and Civic Honesty across Countries. Asian Association of Social Psychology General Meeting, Hong Kong
- Travaglino, G. A., Burgmer, P., & Mirisola, A. (March/2023). The Influence of Criminal Groups Shapes the Relationship between Political Trust and Civic Morality: Evidence from 83 Countries. Symposium “The Many Faces of Trust”, ICPS Conference Brussels
- Travaglino, G. A. (December/2023). How Organized Criminal Groups Impact Societies: Secret Power, Illegal Governance and Civic Relationships. Keynote Address at the 4th international scientific conference of the Psychology Department at the Catholic University of Croatia entitled “Changing Life Circumstances – Opportunity for Individual and Community Growth”
- Travaglino, G. A. (April/2023). Competing Social Orders: The Political Influence of Organized Criminal Groups on Communities, University of Basel, Switzerland
- Travaglino, G. A. (December/2022). Politics Beyond the State: The Social Psychological Underpinnings of Criminal Governance. Centre for Research on Self and Identity, University of Southampton, UK
- Travaglino, G. A. (November/2022). Alternative Systems: How Criminal Actors Influence Society. Research Institute for the Dynamics of Civilization, University of Okayama
- Travaglino, G. A. (June/2022). The Psychological Bases of Criminal Governance. Department of Economics and Statistics, University of Palermo
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